Floating Drum Turbine (FDT)

This product is an innovative microturbine utilized for distributed generation of hydropower from water streams (canals/rivers). This microturbine is registered in the WIPO-PCT system, and has been granted three national patents (US, UK, and IR) and the IR trademark. Additionally, Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label by Solar Impulse Foundation and GGA Cleantech Award by International Trade Council have been granted to this unique microturbine.

The microturbine comprises an undershot waterwheel floated on a water stream using a buoyant skid anchored to the water bankside by some cables or a hinged arm (Fig. 1,2). The waterwheel and its coupled generator/pump are rotated by the water stream to generate electricity or pump the water.

Fig. 1 – FDT concept
Fig. 2 – FDT installation types (Left: Cable mounted, Right: Hinge mounted)

We have designed, built, and tested our microturbine prototype operationally at TRL-7 (Fig. 3,4), and have publicly presented our microturbine’s concept, prototype, and MVP at the 10th, 11th, and 12th Iran International Renewable Energy Exhibition in 2018, 2019, and 2022 in Tehran.

Now, our product is ready to serve potential clients having an appropriate water stream in their areas who need electricity/water for living and working. In this way, we are open to any cooperation opportunity.

Fig. 3 – FDT 3D-model


Fig. 4 – FDT prototype in operation