Green Energy Development Co. (GEDCO)
This company is a startup activated in the renewable energy, micro-hydropower field. It is mainly focused on distributed generation of hydropower from water streams (canals/rivers) using an innovative microturbine. GEDCO is a limited liability company established in May 2018 by its two founders each having great experience in their roles; Shahriar Najafian (Founder & CEO of the corporation) who is a senior mechanical engineer as the core technical member, and Samira Tavakoly (Co-Founder & Chairman of the corporation) who is a senior mathematical expert as the administration member. Our team consists of some experts needed to scale our business including engineering, planning, marketing, and IT specialists.
In this way, we have invented a unique product that is very attractive to potential clients and investors because it presents a profitable solution to clients in areas with an appropriate water stream to secure energy for living and working. This great technology is a clean energy solution for substitution of fossil fuels to protect the environment and mitigation of global warming/climate change.
Patents & Certificates
Below are some patents and certificates granted to this unique product:
- PCT registration by WIPO
- US patent by USPTO
- UK patent by UK-IPO
- IR patent by IR-IPO
- IR trademark by IR-IPO
- Efficient Solution Label by Solar Impulse Foundation
- GGA Cleantech Award by International Trade Council